Sunday, March 31, 2013

Pages 195-302:

  • wistfully- sad and thinking about something that is impossible or in the past:
  • grieving- feeling very sad because someone has died
  • utterly- complete or extreme
  • presumptuous- A person who is presumptuous shows little respect for others by doing things they have no right to do
  • chewed- to crush food into smaller, softer pieces with the teeth so that it can be swallowed
  • shivering- When people or animals shiver, they shake slightly because they feel cold, ill, or frightened
  • poured- to make a substance flow from a container, especially into another container, by raising just one side of the container that the substance is in
  • dimes- an American or Canadian coin that has the value of ten cents
  • tormented- to cause a person or animal to suffer or worry
  • barely- by the smallest amount
  • inconceivable- impossible to imagine or think of
  • accelerator- the pedal in a vehicle that makes it go faster
  • inward- on or towards the inside
  • forehead- the flat part of the face, above the eyes and below the hair
  • smudged- dirty or not clear
  • nauseated- to cause someone to feel as if they are going to vomit
  • jitters- a feeling of nervousness that you experience before something important happens

In these pages Katie and Alex's relationship got closer. They spent much more time together. Katie went shopping with Alex's daughter, they had dinner all together and went to the beach. Katie had a conversation with Jo about Alex. Jo told Katie that if she wants to be with Alex, she can't hurt his feelings in the future, because he and his children had suffered about his wife's death. But Katie chose Alex and tried not to hurt his feelings. 
At the same time the book was talking about Kevin- Katie's husband and the exact Katie's getaway. Katie had planned leaving Kevin for a quite long time. She bought telephone after getting her hair done, when she had few minutes before Kevin picked her up. Also she stole small amounts from Kevin's wallet. She wanted Kevin to notice that. So one day when Kevin went to the business trip, she went away from home. She had small amount of money, so she slept in cheap hostels and traveled by bus until she reached to Southport. When Kevin reached home and realized that Katie was gone, he freaked out. He started drinking and searching for Katie. In work he didn't tell anyone about Katie, but he got into problems. Drinking went too far, one day he went with his partner Todd to a bar. The night ended with cheating on Katie, while thinking about Katie at the same time. 
Months lasted on and Katie and Alex's relationship got only closer. At the same time Kevin got also closer founding out where Katie had escaped. He got his final information from his neighbour.
In Southport there was a carneval. Katie, Alex and their kids went to the carneval. But after a day long drive to Southport, Kevin reached Southport.


These pages were very interesting. I will continue my reading because Kevin reached in Southport and he is going to take Katie back home. I can't wait to know how this book ends. I have only sixty pages left.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

    • Brisk-quick, energetic and active
    • briquettes-a small block made from coal dust or peat, used as fuel in a fire
    • feigning-to pretend to feel something, usually an emotion
    • mock-to laugh at someone, often by copying them in a funny but unkind way
    • ferrying-to transport people or goods in a vehicle, especially regularly and often
    • prongs-one of two or more long sharp points on an object, especially a fork
    • cottage-a small house, usually in the countryside
    • sophomore-a student studying in the second year of a course at a US college or high school
    • mower-a machine for cutting especially grass
    • sipping-to drink, taking only a very small amount at a time
    • bitterness-an unpleasantly sharp taste
    • preordained-(especially of a power thought to be greater than ordinary people) to decide or fix what will happen in a way that cannot be changed or controlled
    • popped- to go to a particular place
    • recess- a period of time in the year when the members of a parliament are not meeting
    • exasperating- extremely annoying
    • dazed-very confused and unable to think clearly because you are shocked or have hit your head
    • giggled-to laugh repeatedly in a quiet but uncontrolled way, often at something silly or rude or when you are nervous

    Pages 88-194

In these pages Katie and Alex were getting closer. Katie understood that even if she didn't want to like Alex as a man, she was thinking about him all the time. So she decided to ask Alex out for a dinner. Alex was very happy. Days before the dinner Katie renovated her house. She bought new courtains, wallpapers and more stuff for house decorating. It seemed pretty good, almost like a ready home.
At the big dinner night Alex and Katie had a good time. They spoke about everything until it was Katie's past. Alex told that he knew why Katie appeared in the Southport. Katie started to trust Alex, so she told everything about her past.
In her past Katie married to a man named Kevin. Kevin was a detective and had always much work to do. At the beginning of their marriage Katie loved Kevin. But then Kevin started drinking and beating her. Kevin called her Erin and she wasn't allowed to communicate with other people or go shopping. She was complitely out off touch with the world around her. Kevin also broke her two fingers.
Although Katie was still married with Kevin and she couldn't divorce. Alex didn't care. He wanted to be with her, but Alex hadn't still forgotten her dead wife.
Katie told what she did a week before running away. One day she went to hairdresser and she had few minutes until Kevin had to pick her up. So she went to shop and bought a telephone. Kevin didn't suspect nothing. In the next days, when Kevin was at work, she made all her necessary calls and she was ready to leave Kevin. Kevin was away from home for a few days, so Katie had the necessary time to run away.

I liked these pages. Katie's secrets came out and that's why this book gets more interesting. Also I'm looking forward to see how Katie gets her divorce. I think that Kevin will find Katie and what could happen then? So I will carry on reading.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

'' Safeheaven ''

Nicholas Sparks

  • hovering- to stay in one place in the air, usually by moving the wings quickly

  • wielding- to hold a weapon or tool and look as if you are going to use it

  • plunger- a suction device consisting of a cup-shaped piece of rubber on the end of a stick, used to get rid of things that are blocking pipes

  • oatmeal- a type of flour made from oats

  • silverware- objects, especially knives, forks, spoons, etc., made of silver

  • neglect- to give not enough care or attention to people or things that are your responsibility

  • vinegar- a sharp-tasting liquid, made especially from sour wine, malt or cider, which is used to add flavour to or to preserve food

  • dungeon- an underground prison, especially in a castle

  • ulterior- a secret purpose or reason for doing something

  • mulling- to heat wine or beer with added sugar and spices

  • beckoning- to move your hand or head in a way that tells someone to come nearer

  • scented- having a pleasant strong smell

  • frequent- happening often; common

  • trembling- to shake slightly, usually because you are cold, frightened, or very emotional

  • equally- fairly and in the same way

  • turmoil- a state of confusion, uncertainty or disorder

  • affirming- If you describe something as life-affirming, you mean that it makes you feel positive about life

  • fragile- easily damaged, broken or harmed

  • afloat- having enough money to pay what you owe

  • tugged- to pull something quickly and usually with a lot of force

Pages: 1-87

I started reading a new book. I chose Nicholas Sparks's book again, because the last Sparks's book was very close to my heart. Those books are like simple love stories, but the way Nicholas writes them, makes it more interesting.

Anyway, the first 87 were the most interesting pages, next ones will be predictable. The book started with Katie's appearing in a small town. She didn't know anyone in Southport. Katie worked in a cafe and her boss hit on her. But she didn't like men. In the past she had a boyfriend, but the boy did something bad and it's a big secret. Her childhood was also hard. Her parents were alcoholics and her father beated her and her mom. They had problems with money. When Katie turned eighteen, she run away from home. She found that boyfriend who treated her bad. After years living with her boyfreind, she run away to Southport to start a new life.

In Southport lived a man named Alex. He had two kids. In the past he was married with his children mother, but she died. They were in love and happy. After his wife's death, he had been raising the children. Also he had a little shop. Alex and children had spent days in the shop.

One day Katie met Alex and children. After that day they went to the beach. At the beginning Katie didn't feel good, she did it all because of the children. Also she felt that she and Alex were having a date, but she didn't want no relationships.


I can't wait to continue reading the book. I am waiting for to hear the secret about Katie's past with her old boyfriend. These pages were interesting so I hope that it's going only better.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Pages 304-390

  • strewing- to spread things untidily over a surface, or to be spread untidily over a surface
  • metastasized- when cancer cells metastatize
  • pamphlets- a thin book with only a few pages which gives information or an opinion about something
  • convalescence- a period in which you convalesce
  • tethered- a rope or chain used to tie especially an animal to a post or other fixed place, usually so that it can move freely within a small area
  • ceaseless- continuous; without stopping
  • brittle- delicate and easily broken
  • pebbles- a small smooth round stone, especially one found on a beach or in a river
  • steadily- gradually
  • avalanche- a large amount of ice, snow and rock falling quickly down the side of a mountain
  • malignant- describes a disease or a growth that is likely to get uncontrollably worse and lead to death
  • disinfectant- a substance which contains chemicals that kill bacteria and is used especially for cleaning surfaces in toilets and kitchens
  • portending- to be a sign that something bad is likely to happen in the future
  • cane- the long, hard, hollow stem of particular plants such as bamboo, sometimes used to make furniture or support other plants in the garden
  • dreading- to feel extremely worried or frightened about something that is going to happen or that might happen
  • squinted- to feel extremely worried or frightened about something that is going to happen or that might happen
  • squeak- to make a short very high cry or sound
  • numbness- lack of physical or emotional feeling
  • sagged- to drop down to a lower level in the middle
  • harsh- unpleasant, unkind, cruel or unnecessarily severe
  • macrame- the art of weaving pieces of string together in knots to form a decorative pattern, or something made this way
  • frantically- done in a hurried way and in a state of excitement or confusion

 These pages were really sad. It came out that Ronnie's father had stomach cancer it had spread to his lungs. Ronnie and her brother were really surprised and sad. They wanted to spend more time with their father. Days passed and Steve's wealth was only getting worse. Then the summer was ending, Ronnie and Jonah had to move back to New York. But Ronnie felt bad about his past and the time, when she didn't talk to her father. So she decided to stay with her father. Jonah also wanted to stay there and  spend more time with his father, but he didn't have no choice and he had to go back to New York. 
  At the end of the summer, Will had to go to college. Before that Ronnie and Will got into an argument, because Will confessed that Scott had set fire to the church. After that faith, they didn't see each other anymore. 
  One day when Ronnie arrived  home, she saw Blaze standing in front of the house. Blaze came to talk with Ronnie. She confessed that Ronnie didn't steal and she put things into Ronnie's bag. Also she confessed, that Scott didn't set the church on fire- it was Marcus. Blaze apologized and hoped that they could still be friends. Ronnie agreed with her.
  Ronnie commit to spend time with her father. Months passed and Ronnie noticed how Steve was getting only smaller and smaller, also he didn't eat much and didn't have enough strenght to walk on the beach. In one morning Ronnie found her dad's song, what wasn't finished yet. So she decided to end this song. She worked hard to complete this song and in one morning she wanted to play it for her dad, but Steve was really ill and was taken to the hospital. Steve didn't want to be in the hospital, because he knew that his time has come. Ronnie took Steve home and played - the last song! Week after that her father dead. 
  In the funeral Ronnie saw Will. They talked and were happy to see each other.
  A few days after Christmas, Ronnie got call from Will. Will changed college, he was going to New York. He wanted to surprise Ronnie and it was successful. Now they can spend time together and their love can last forever.

My Opinion

This book was sad, but also very heart warming. It made me think about how important is family and love. Also how important is having close people around you. I really liked it and my next book is gonna be Nicholas Sparks's book.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Pages 224- 304

These pages talked about Will's sister Megan's and her fiance wedding. It took place in Megan's parents house. Will invited Ronnie there. Even though Ronnie didn't want to go there she had no other opportunities. So she bought new, a very beautiful dress and shoes. She looked absolutely amazing, but she was afraid to go to that wedding, because Will's mother Susan didn't like her and many rich people were invited to that wedding. The house was gorgeous. All decorations were expensive and exclusive. They had even ice sculptures. Everything was great, but in the end of the wedding Marcus approached. Marcus wanted to ruin the wedding. After the altercation Will and Marcus started fighting. Their fight was so strong that even some wedding guests were taken to the hospital. Susan was very angry. She thought that all this was Ronnie's fault. Ronnie felt very bad. She thought that she never wants to see Will again, but that changed. On the next day Megan came to Ronnie's home and talked to her. They talked about Will. Ronnie was happy, because Megan did not accuse him on ruining the wedding.
On the next day Will had a volleyball competition. Ronnie came there and apologized for everything, said that he loves her and wished her luck at the competition. Will and Scott played very well. They won many games. They made it into the final. But then happened something bad. At the same time next to the volleyball arena Marcus and Blake were doing their fireshow. But Blake made a mistake and she got in fire. Despite the fact that Will had his final game he run to Blake and helped her. Other people were just standing there and nobody could help her. Ronnie and Will took Blake to the hospital.
The summer is going to end. Will has to go to the college and Ronnie must go back to New York. So they have their final days together. They spent every minute together. Ronnie had a birthday. She became eighteen. Will took Ronnie to dinner. When they came back and were sitting with Jonah in beach they saw Ronnie's father. Steve was coming towards them with a blood in his face.

Like always, I like that book. I had to stop in a very interesting place, so I can't wait to continue the book. I think that the end is going to be sad, because Will is going to college and Something bad is happening with Ronnie's father. But I hope it's gonna find a happy ending.

greenish- slightly green in colour
tidily- having everything ordered and arranged in the right place, or liking to keep things like this
demeanor- a way of looking and behaving
prejudice- an unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling, especially when formed without enough thought or knowledge
blemish- a mark on something that spoils its appearance
squealed- to make a long very high sound or cry
teased- to laugh at someone or say unkind things about them, either because you are joking or because you want to upset them
veered- to change direction
tender- gentle, loving or sympathetic
inevitable- certain to happen and unable to be avoided or prevented
bargain- something on sale at a lower price than its true value
squishing- to crush something which is soft
kiln-a type of large oven used for making bricks and clay objects hard after they have been shaped
peering-to look carefully or with difficulty
feigned- to pretend to feel something, usually an emotion
coughed- to force air out of your lungs through your throat with a short loud sound
wheezing- to make a high, rough noise while breathing because of some breathing difficulty

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Pages 124-224

wiping- to slide something, especially a piece of cloth, over the surface of something else, in order to remove dirt, food or liquid
dune- a small hill of sand near a beach or in a desert
annihilate- to destroy completely so that nothing is left
unfazed- not surprised or worried
brittle- delicate and easily broken
chin- the part of a person's face below their mouth
pesky- annoying or causing trouble
recline- to lean or lie back with the upper part of your body in a nearly horizontal position
prop- to support something physically, often by leaning it against something else or putting something under it
loose- describes hair that is not tied back
succumb- to lose the determination to oppose something; to accept defeat
unfettered- not limited by rules or any other controlling influence
drench- to make someone or something extremely wet
scoop- to move something with a scoop or with something used as a scoop
innuendo- (the making of) a remark or remarks that suggest something sexual or something unpleasant but do not refer to it directly
stiffen- to become firm or more difficult to bend
cipher- a system of writing that prevents most people from understanding the message
puzzlement- a state of confusion because you do not understand something
mesmerize- to have someone's attention completely so that they cannot think of anything else
dangle- to hang loosely, or to hold something so that it hangs loosely
mock- to laugh at someone, often by copying them in a funny but unkind way
lament- to express sadness and feeling sorry about something
lobby- to try to persuade a politician, the government or an official group that a particular thing should or should not happen, or that a law should be changed

Those pages talked about Ronnie's and Will's relationship. They had just been starting spending time together, when Ashley (Will's ex-girlfriend, who wanted Will back) noticed that. So she lied to Ronnie, that Will just wanted to have fun with Ronnie and he was not interested in her. She also said that Will behaves like this with every girl. Ronnie believed Ashley. Will noticed that something was wrong and Ronnie was avoiding him. Finally things between them became clear. After that they kissed for the very first time. 
  Ronnie and Will spent a lot of time together. Will took Ronnie to his home. Ronnie was very surprised. She wasn't expecting Will to be from the rich family. Will lived in a very big house with his mom and dad. His mom's name was Susan and father's name was Tom. Susan was a little bit irreverent and Ronnie noticed that Susan didin't like her not much. Will's father was different. He built a big business. Despite that he was rich and successful, he acted like a little child. He liked Ronnie and invited her to see his airplane. Ronnie thought that they had a private plane, but it was a remote-control plane. Tom showed her his skills and then gave Ronnie a try to test the plane. 
  Will went to Ronnie's home for dinner. Ronnie lived in Bungalow. Will had dinner with Ronnie, Ronnie's father and Jonah. After eating spaggethies they played poker. After that Ronnie and Will went for a walk. Will enjoyed it very much. At the same time he was thinking back to the time when she was dating with Ashley. Ashley was a girl from the rich family, she was also smart. Everything in their relationship was fine until Ashley cheated on Will. Will forgave her, because everybody make mistakes, but the relationship wasn't the same anymore. He started noticing that Ashley was pretty bitch and they were together because of their both parents, who were rich. So he decided to end this relationship before it was going to be bad. But Ronnie, she was different. She liked Will before she knew that Will was from rich family. She liked him the way he was. Also, why Will liked  Ronnie, was that Ronnie was like Will's sister Megan. Megan had her own rules and that's why she had been driven their mom crazy.
  Will trusted Ronnie. He talked to her a story about why he and Megan always wore the barcelets. A few years ago, it was a rainy day and Will's mother drove Will and Scott to a volleyball competition. In the car was  Will's little brother Mike also. Will and Scott were playing at the back seat. Mother warned them to be quiet, but they didn't stop. One moment Scott screamed and Susan turned back to see why Scott screamed. A few seconds later Susan lost control over the car and they fell down from the bridge. Scott, Will and Susan escaped, but Mike died. That's why Will and Megan were always wearing bracelets, on these braces were written on IMTF (In My Thoughts Forever).
  At the same time when Ronnie and Will spent time together, Marcus appeared. Marcus mocked  and was jealous on them. Marcus was planning a party. He hoped that there will be many drunk girls and after being with Blaze, he can have other girls too, because Blaze will be too drunk to understand what is going on.

  Those pages were also interesting and I will continue reading the book. It only gets better and better. I think that something bad will happen in that party, which Marcus was planning. Also I think that Ashley will do something as well to break up with Ronnie and Will. I have heard something about the ending of the book. And it's about Ronnie's father, who had cancer. But I want to continue reading to find out all about that. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

'' The Last Song''
Nicholas Sparks

Pages 1-124

-streamed - to flow somewhere or produce liquid, quickly and in large amounts without stopping
-preoccupied - thinking or worrying about something too much
-cereal - a plant which is grown to produce grain
-pile - objects positioned one on top of another
-subsequent - happening after something else
-tattered - (especially of cloth or paper) badly torn
-hesitated - to pause before you do or say something, often because you are uncertain or nervous about it
-utterly - complete or extreme
-hindsight - the ability to understand an event or situation only after it has happened
-slouched - to stand, sit or walk with the shoulders hanging forward and the head bent slightly over so that you look tired and bored
-armpit - the hollow place under your arm where your arm joins your body
-implied - to communicate an idea or feeling without saying it directly
-rural - in, of or like the countryside
-penitentiary - prison (= building in which criminals are kept)
-enveloped - to cover or surround something completely
-frowning - to bring your eyebrows together so that there are lines on your face above your eyes to show that you are annoyed or worried
-seam - a line where two things join, especially a line of sewing joining two pieces of cloth or leather
-mingling -  to mix or combine, or be mixed or combined
-pothole - a hole in a road surface which results from gradual damage caused by traffic and/or weather
-humble - not proud or not believing that you are important
-greasy - covered with or full of fat or oil
-zillions - an extremely large, but not a stated, number
-lull - to cause someone to feel calm or to feel as if they want to sleep
-qualms - an uncomfortable feeling of doubt about whether you are doing the right thing
-curfew - a rule that everyone must stay at home between particular times, usually at night, especially during a war or a period of political trouble
-fiercely - in a frightening, violent or powerful way
-groaned - to make a deep long sound showing great pain or unhappiness
-wince - to show pain suddenly and for a short time in the face, often moving the head back at the same time
-rearview - a mirror inside a car in which the driver can see what is happening behind the car
-whined - to make a long, high, sad sound
-harbored - to have in mind a thought or feeling, usually over a long period
-halt - to (cause to) stop moving or doing something or happening
-peer - to look carefully or with difficulty
-muttered - to speak quietly and in a low voice that is not easy to hear, often when you are worried or complaining about something
-tucked - to push a loose end of a piece of clothing or material into a particular place or position, especially to make it tidy or comfortable
-grapevine - a type of climbing plant on which grapes grow
-coveted - to want to have something very much, especially something which belongs to someone else
-accomplished - skilled
-lobby - to try to persuade a politician, the government or an official group that a particular thing should or should not happen, or that a law should be changed
-venues - the place where a public event or meeting happens
-craned - to stretch in order to look at something
-sagged - to drop down to a lower level in the middle

  This book talked about a girl, whose name was Veronica '' Ronnie''. She liked playing piano and singing. Her father was a former concert pianist and teacher. She lived a quiet life in the beach town, immersed in creating a work of art that will become the centrepiece of local church. Ronnie's life was turned upside down when her parents divorced. Her father moved to Wrightsville, North Carolina. Since then she has remained angry and alienated from her parents. She stayed with her mother and brother in New York. Partying and going out with her friends were the most interesting activities for her. She had a bad relationship with her mom. She always got into the problems and she didn't study, because studying wasn't cool. Her little brother was younger, but despite that he was quite mature. Sometimes Ronnie didn't behave very friendly, but inside she always loved her brother. Three years after their parents divorced she remained distant from her father, so her mother decided that it would be everyone's best interest if Ronnie and her brother could spend the summer with dad. Rebellious Ronnie didn't like that idea. Ronnie rejected her father's attempts to get to know each other. But Ronnie didn't spend much time at home and she tried to avoid to communicate with her father. Her father always played piano, but after parents divorced Ronnie hated piano. 
  In the first day, Ronnie made friends with Blaze. They spent time together. Blaze was a girl who spent most of the time away from home, like Ronnie liked to do. Ronnie thought that they could be friends. But then Blaze introduced her boyfriend Marcus. Marcus was a bad boy. He made people do anything what he likes. One time Blaze and Ronnie were eating their hamburgers, then came Marcus and just took Blaze's plate and ate her hamburger.Ronnie didn't understand the situation, but Blaze explained her that she isn't hungry anymore and Marcus can eat her hamburger even tough Blaze hadn't eaten nothing on that day. Marcus liked Ronnie and wanted to sleep with her. Despite the fact that the feelings weren't mutual, Blaze got jealous. Blaze staged Ronnie convicted of theft in the DVD shop for revenge. She put CDs into Ronnie's bag and when Ronnie was leaving, the seller in the shop discovered the theft. Ronnie could believe it. After that she didn't have friends in Wrightsville anymore. She wanted to go home to New York badly and spend time with her New York friends. 
  But soon Ronnie met Will. Will was the last person Ronnie thought she would ever be attracted to. She saw him first time in the beach when Will was playing volleyball. He was a volleyball player, he had nice muscular body and he was every girls dream guy. But Ronnie was not that type of a girl, that's why Will spotted Ronnie. Will tried to get to know her, but Ronnie wasn't interested in Will. Thanks to Will's repeated attempts to get to know her, Ronnie found herself falling in love. They spent much time together. They had something in common, it was sea turtles and all the ocean life. Will was a volunteer in one that kind of shop. Together they went fishing, they spent all night to protect the clams from the tide. But Will had just broke up with a very pretty girl, who was still in love with Will. She lied to Ronnie, but Will explained everything. 


This book was really interesting. I know, I said same about the previous book and also I said that I can't wait to read on, but in Christmas, Santa Clause bring me this book. I didn't take my previous book '' the Girl with the dragon tattoo'' in to P?rnu, where I spent my Christmas. So I decided to read this book. But this book was even more interesting than I thought it to be. I read 120 pages non-stop. This is unbelieveable, because I am that kind of reader who can read maximum 50 pages. This is a usual love story book, but I don't know why it kept me reading it. Maybe the way it was wrote, made it interesting or maybe because Ronnie wasn't a good girl, like in the other love story books. My opinion is that this book is the best book I have ever read. So I keep reading and hope that it will go only more interesting than it already is.


Nicholas Charles Sparks was born in December 31, 1965. He is an internationally bestselling American novelist and screenwriter. He has 16 published novels, with themes including cancer, death, pirates and love. Six have been adapted to film, including '' Message in a Bottle'' , '' A Walk to Remeber'', '' The Notebook'', '' Nights in Rodanthe'', '' Dear John'' and '' The Last Song''.