Sunday, December 2, 2012

'' Safeheaven ''

Nicholas Sparks

  • hovering- to stay in one place in the air, usually by moving the wings quickly

  • wielding- to hold a weapon or tool and look as if you are going to use it

  • plunger- a suction device consisting of a cup-shaped piece of rubber on the end of a stick, used to get rid of things that are blocking pipes

  • oatmeal- a type of flour made from oats

  • silverware- objects, especially knives, forks, spoons, etc., made of silver

  • neglect- to give not enough care or attention to people or things that are your responsibility

  • vinegar- a sharp-tasting liquid, made especially from sour wine, malt or cider, which is used to add flavour to or to preserve food

  • dungeon- an underground prison, especially in a castle

  • ulterior- a secret purpose or reason for doing something

  • mulling- to heat wine or beer with added sugar and spices

  • beckoning- to move your hand or head in a way that tells someone to come nearer

  • scented- having a pleasant strong smell

  • frequent- happening often; common

  • trembling- to shake slightly, usually because you are cold, frightened, or very emotional

  • equally- fairly and in the same way

  • turmoil- a state of confusion, uncertainty or disorder

  • affirming- If you describe something as life-affirming, you mean that it makes you feel positive about life

  • fragile- easily damaged, broken or harmed

  • afloat- having enough money to pay what you owe

  • tugged- to pull something quickly and usually with a lot of force

Pages: 1-87

I started reading a new book. I chose Nicholas Sparks's book again, because the last Sparks's book was very close to my heart. Those books are like simple love stories, but the way Nicholas writes them, makes it more interesting.

Anyway, the first 87 were the most interesting pages, next ones will be predictable. The book started with Katie's appearing in a small town. She didn't know anyone in Southport. Katie worked in a cafe and her boss hit on her. But she didn't like men. In the past she had a boyfriend, but the boy did something bad and it's a big secret. Her childhood was also hard. Her parents were alcoholics and her father beated her and her mom. They had problems with money. When Katie turned eighteen, she run away from home. She found that boyfriend who treated her bad. After years living with her boyfreind, she run away to Southport to start a new life.

In Southport lived a man named Alex. He had two kids. In the past he was married with his children mother, but she died. They were in love and happy. After his wife's death, he had been raising the children. Also he had a little shop. Alex and children had spent days in the shop.

One day Katie met Alex and children. After that day they went to the beach. At the beginning Katie didn't feel good, she did it all because of the children. Also she felt that she and Alex were having a date, but she didn't want no relationships.


I can't wait to continue reading the book. I am waiting for to hear the secret about Katie's past with her old boyfriend. These pages were interesting so I hope that it's going only better.

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