Sunday, March 31, 2013

Pages 195-302:

  • wistfully- sad and thinking about something that is impossible or in the past:
  • grieving- feeling very sad because someone has died
  • utterly- complete or extreme
  • presumptuous- A person who is presumptuous shows little respect for others by doing things they have no right to do
  • chewed- to crush food into smaller, softer pieces with the teeth so that it can be swallowed
  • shivering- When people or animals shiver, they shake slightly because they feel cold, ill, or frightened
  • poured- to make a substance flow from a container, especially into another container, by raising just one side of the container that the substance is in
  • dimes- an American or Canadian coin that has the value of ten cents
  • tormented- to cause a person or animal to suffer or worry
  • barely- by the smallest amount
  • inconceivable- impossible to imagine or think of
  • accelerator- the pedal in a vehicle that makes it go faster
  • inward- on or towards the inside
  • forehead- the flat part of the face, above the eyes and below the hair
  • smudged- dirty or not clear
  • nauseated- to cause someone to feel as if they are going to vomit
  • jitters- a feeling of nervousness that you experience before something important happens

In these pages Katie and Alex's relationship got closer. They spent much more time together. Katie went shopping with Alex's daughter, they had dinner all together and went to the beach. Katie had a conversation with Jo about Alex. Jo told Katie that if she wants to be with Alex, she can't hurt his feelings in the future, because he and his children had suffered about his wife's death. But Katie chose Alex and tried not to hurt his feelings. 
At the same time the book was talking about Kevin- Katie's husband and the exact Katie's getaway. Katie had planned leaving Kevin for a quite long time. She bought telephone after getting her hair done, when she had few minutes before Kevin picked her up. Also she stole small amounts from Kevin's wallet. She wanted Kevin to notice that. So one day when Kevin went to the business trip, she went away from home. She had small amount of money, so she slept in cheap hostels and traveled by bus until she reached to Southport. When Kevin reached home and realized that Katie was gone, he freaked out. He started drinking and searching for Katie. In work he didn't tell anyone about Katie, but he got into problems. Drinking went too far, one day he went with his partner Todd to a bar. The night ended with cheating on Katie, while thinking about Katie at the same time. 
Months lasted on and Katie and Alex's relationship got only closer. At the same time Kevin got also closer founding out where Katie had escaped. He got his final information from his neighbour.
In Southport there was a carneval. Katie, Alex and their kids went to the carneval. But after a day long drive to Southport, Kevin reached Southport.


These pages were very interesting. I will continue my reading because Kevin reached in Southport and he is going to take Katie back home. I can't wait to know how this book ends. I have only sixty pages left.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

    • Brisk-quick, energetic and active
    • briquettes-a small block made from coal dust or peat, used as fuel in a fire
    • feigning-to pretend to feel something, usually an emotion
    • mock-to laugh at someone, often by copying them in a funny but unkind way
    • ferrying-to transport people or goods in a vehicle, especially regularly and often
    • prongs-one of two or more long sharp points on an object, especially a fork
    • cottage-a small house, usually in the countryside
    • sophomore-a student studying in the second year of a course at a US college or high school
    • mower-a machine for cutting especially grass
    • sipping-to drink, taking only a very small amount at a time
    • bitterness-an unpleasantly sharp taste
    • preordained-(especially of a power thought to be greater than ordinary people) to decide or fix what will happen in a way that cannot be changed or controlled
    • popped- to go to a particular place
    • recess- a period of time in the year when the members of a parliament are not meeting
    • exasperating- extremely annoying
    • dazed-very confused and unable to think clearly because you are shocked or have hit your head
    • giggled-to laugh repeatedly in a quiet but uncontrolled way, often at something silly or rude or when you are nervous

    Pages 88-194

In these pages Katie and Alex were getting closer. Katie understood that even if she didn't want to like Alex as a man, she was thinking about him all the time. So she decided to ask Alex out for a dinner. Alex was very happy. Days before the dinner Katie renovated her house. She bought new courtains, wallpapers and more stuff for house decorating. It seemed pretty good, almost like a ready home.
At the big dinner night Alex and Katie had a good time. They spoke about everything until it was Katie's past. Alex told that he knew why Katie appeared in the Southport. Katie started to trust Alex, so she told everything about her past.
In her past Katie married to a man named Kevin. Kevin was a detective and had always much work to do. At the beginning of their marriage Katie loved Kevin. But then Kevin started drinking and beating her. Kevin called her Erin and she wasn't allowed to communicate with other people or go shopping. She was complitely out off touch with the world around her. Kevin also broke her two fingers.
Although Katie was still married with Kevin and she couldn't divorce. Alex didn't care. He wanted to be with her, but Alex hadn't still forgotten her dead wife.
Katie told what she did a week before running away. One day she went to hairdresser and she had few minutes until Kevin had to pick her up. So she went to shop and bought a telephone. Kevin didn't suspect nothing. In the next days, when Kevin was at work, she made all her necessary calls and she was ready to leave Kevin. Kevin was away from home for a few days, so Katie had the necessary time to run away.

I liked these pages. Katie's secrets came out and that's why this book gets more interesting. Also I'm looking forward to see how Katie gets her divorce. I think that Kevin will find Katie and what could happen then? So I will carry on reading.