Sunday, May 20, 2012

Pages 224- 304

These pages talked about Will's sister Megan's and her fiance wedding. It took place in Megan's parents house. Will invited Ronnie there. Even though Ronnie didn't want to go there she had no other opportunities. So she bought new, a very beautiful dress and shoes. She looked absolutely amazing, but she was afraid to go to that wedding, because Will's mother Susan didn't like her and many rich people were invited to that wedding. The house was gorgeous. All decorations were expensive and exclusive. They had even ice sculptures. Everything was great, but in the end of the wedding Marcus approached. Marcus wanted to ruin the wedding. After the altercation Will and Marcus started fighting. Their fight was so strong that even some wedding guests were taken to the hospital. Susan was very angry. She thought that all this was Ronnie's fault. Ronnie felt very bad. She thought that she never wants to see Will again, but that changed. On the next day Megan came to Ronnie's home and talked to her. They talked about Will. Ronnie was happy, because Megan did not accuse him on ruining the wedding.
On the next day Will had a volleyball competition. Ronnie came there and apologized for everything, said that he loves her and wished her luck at the competition. Will and Scott played very well. They won many games. They made it into the final. But then happened something bad. At the same time next to the volleyball arena Marcus and Blake were doing their fireshow. But Blake made a mistake and she got in fire. Despite the fact that Will had his final game he run to Blake and helped her. Other people were just standing there and nobody could help her. Ronnie and Will took Blake to the hospital.
The summer is going to end. Will has to go to the college and Ronnie must go back to New York. So they have their final days together. They spent every minute together. Ronnie had a birthday. She became eighteen. Will took Ronnie to dinner. When they came back and were sitting with Jonah in beach they saw Ronnie's father. Steve was coming towards them with a blood in his face.

Like always, I like that book. I had to stop in a very interesting place, so I can't wait to continue the book. I think that the end is going to be sad, because Will is going to college and Something bad is happening with Ronnie's father. But I hope it's gonna find a happy ending.

greenish- slightly green in colour
tidily- having everything ordered and arranged in the right place, or liking to keep things like this
demeanor- a way of looking and behaving
prejudice- an unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling, especially when formed without enough thought or knowledge
blemish- a mark on something that spoils its appearance
squealed- to make a long very high sound or cry
teased- to laugh at someone or say unkind things about them, either because you are joking or because you want to upset them
veered- to change direction
tender- gentle, loving or sympathetic
inevitable- certain to happen and unable to be avoided or prevented
bargain- something on sale at a lower price than its true value
squishing- to crush something which is soft
kiln-a type of large oven used for making bricks and clay objects hard after they have been shaped
peering-to look carefully or with difficulty
feigned- to pretend to feel something, usually an emotion
coughed- to force air out of your lungs through your throat with a short loud sound
wheezing- to make a high, rough noise while breathing because of some breathing difficulty

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