Sunday, February 12, 2012

'' The Last Song''
Nicholas Sparks

Pages 1-124

-streamed - to flow somewhere or produce liquid, quickly and in large amounts without stopping
-preoccupied - thinking or worrying about something too much
-cereal - a plant which is grown to produce grain
-pile - objects positioned one on top of another
-subsequent - happening after something else
-tattered - (especially of cloth or paper) badly torn
-hesitated - to pause before you do or say something, often because you are uncertain or nervous about it
-utterly - complete or extreme
-hindsight - the ability to understand an event or situation only after it has happened
-slouched - to stand, sit or walk with the shoulders hanging forward and the head bent slightly over so that you look tired and bored
-armpit - the hollow place under your arm where your arm joins your body
-implied - to communicate an idea or feeling without saying it directly
-rural - in, of or like the countryside
-penitentiary - prison (= building in which criminals are kept)
-enveloped - to cover or surround something completely
-frowning - to bring your eyebrows together so that there are lines on your face above your eyes to show that you are annoyed or worried
-seam - a line where two things join, especially a line of sewing joining two pieces of cloth or leather
-mingling -  to mix or combine, or be mixed or combined
-pothole - a hole in a road surface which results from gradual damage caused by traffic and/or weather
-humble - not proud or not believing that you are important
-greasy - covered with or full of fat or oil
-zillions - an extremely large, but not a stated, number
-lull - to cause someone to feel calm or to feel as if they want to sleep
-qualms - an uncomfortable feeling of doubt about whether you are doing the right thing
-curfew - a rule that everyone must stay at home between particular times, usually at night, especially during a war or a period of political trouble
-fiercely - in a frightening, violent or powerful way
-groaned - to make a deep long sound showing great pain or unhappiness
-wince - to show pain suddenly and for a short time in the face, often moving the head back at the same time
-rearview - a mirror inside a car in which the driver can see what is happening behind the car
-whined - to make a long, high, sad sound
-harbored - to have in mind a thought or feeling, usually over a long period
-halt - to (cause to) stop moving or doing something or happening
-peer - to look carefully or with difficulty
-muttered - to speak quietly and in a low voice that is not easy to hear, often when you are worried or complaining about something
-tucked - to push a loose end of a piece of clothing or material into a particular place or position, especially to make it tidy or comfortable
-grapevine - a type of climbing plant on which grapes grow
-coveted - to want to have something very much, especially something which belongs to someone else
-accomplished - skilled
-lobby - to try to persuade a politician, the government or an official group that a particular thing should or should not happen, or that a law should be changed
-venues - the place where a public event or meeting happens
-craned - to stretch in order to look at something
-sagged - to drop down to a lower level in the middle

  This book talked about a girl, whose name was Veronica '' Ronnie''. She liked playing piano and singing. Her father was a former concert pianist and teacher. She lived a quiet life in the beach town, immersed in creating a work of art that will become the centrepiece of local church. Ronnie's life was turned upside down when her parents divorced. Her father moved to Wrightsville, North Carolina. Since then she has remained angry and alienated from her parents. She stayed with her mother and brother in New York. Partying and going out with her friends were the most interesting activities for her. She had a bad relationship with her mom. She always got into the problems and she didn't study, because studying wasn't cool. Her little brother was younger, but despite that he was quite mature. Sometimes Ronnie didn't behave very friendly, but inside she always loved her brother. Three years after their parents divorced she remained distant from her father, so her mother decided that it would be everyone's best interest if Ronnie and her brother could spend the summer with dad. Rebellious Ronnie didn't like that idea. Ronnie rejected her father's attempts to get to know each other. But Ronnie didn't spend much time at home and she tried to avoid to communicate with her father. Her father always played piano, but after parents divorced Ronnie hated piano. 
  In the first day, Ronnie made friends with Blaze. They spent time together. Blaze was a girl who spent most of the time away from home, like Ronnie liked to do. Ronnie thought that they could be friends. But then Blaze introduced her boyfriend Marcus. Marcus was a bad boy. He made people do anything what he likes. One time Blaze and Ronnie were eating their hamburgers, then came Marcus and just took Blaze's plate and ate her hamburger.Ronnie didn't understand the situation, but Blaze explained her that she isn't hungry anymore and Marcus can eat her hamburger even tough Blaze hadn't eaten nothing on that day. Marcus liked Ronnie and wanted to sleep with her. Despite the fact that the feelings weren't mutual, Blaze got jealous. Blaze staged Ronnie convicted of theft in the DVD shop for revenge. She put CDs into Ronnie's bag and when Ronnie was leaving, the seller in the shop discovered the theft. Ronnie could believe it. After that she didn't have friends in Wrightsville anymore. She wanted to go home to New York badly and spend time with her New York friends. 
  But soon Ronnie met Will. Will was the last person Ronnie thought she would ever be attracted to. She saw him first time in the beach when Will was playing volleyball. He was a volleyball player, he had nice muscular body and he was every girls dream guy. But Ronnie was not that type of a girl, that's why Will spotted Ronnie. Will tried to get to know her, but Ronnie wasn't interested in Will. Thanks to Will's repeated attempts to get to know her, Ronnie found herself falling in love. They spent much time together. They had something in common, it was sea turtles and all the ocean life. Will was a volunteer in one that kind of shop. Together they went fishing, they spent all night to protect the clams from the tide. But Will had just broke up with a very pretty girl, who was still in love with Will. She lied to Ronnie, but Will explained everything. 


This book was really interesting. I know, I said same about the previous book and also I said that I can't wait to read on, but in Christmas, Santa Clause bring me this book. I didn't take my previous book '' the Girl with the dragon tattoo'' in to P?rnu, where I spent my Christmas. So I decided to read this book. But this book was even more interesting than I thought it to be. I read 120 pages non-stop. This is unbelieveable, because I am that kind of reader who can read maximum 50 pages. This is a usual love story book, but I don't know why it kept me reading it. Maybe the way it was wrote, made it interesting or maybe because Ronnie wasn't a good girl, like in the other love story books. My opinion is that this book is the best book I have ever read. So I keep reading and hope that it will go only more interesting than it already is.


Nicholas Charles Sparks was born in December 31, 1965. He is an internationally bestselling American novelist and screenwriter. He has 16 published novels, with themes including cancer, death, pirates and love. Six have been adapted to film, including '' Message in a Bottle'' , '' A Walk to Remeber'', '' The Notebook'', '' Nights in Rodanthe'', '' Dear John'' and '' The Last Song''.